It's week 3 guys!!!


1 min read

The anxiety and panic are gone. The fear of not delivering is also gone.

We’re just fully settled into delivering an MVP in 2 weeks. Crazy right!!

The week was off to a great start as we began our strategy and brainstorming sessions. We reviewed the work of the previous week and agreed to fully soak ourselves in delivering every assignment this week.

Graphics designers were to come up with an infographic. The video animator track was to come up with a video showing the key features of our platform and why people should use it. The marketing strategy should be developed, the entire design should be 100% percent done by the product design team. Frontend developers had to implement the full design and mount the FAQ and get the chatbot up and running.

The team had massively been functioning well till we had some member’s device theft issues. That took us back 2 days.

We are forging ahead still.

We hope for a better week 5.

The adjudged toughest week of it all.

Building a world-class accounting platform for small businesses is not easy but we will surmount all issues.